
Come on a Birdwatching Journey!

whale watching osa peninsula

Whale and Rainforest Escape

Whale and Rainforest Escape

$940 per person

This seasonal package is designed specifically for those who are drawn to Osa for both terrestrial and marine reasons.

Through the months of July to October you get into prime months for whale watching, specifically the humpback whales who migrate long distances to breed and give birth around the bay. The coves act as protection. With this influx of whales close to the shore, as well as the constant flow of wildlife found around Corcovado, we have created the perfect adventure package, Whale and Rainforest Escape. The journey lets our customers enjoy the highlights of our beloved bay.

The tropical and clear, warm waters become a natural sanctuary where hundreds of humpback whales visit to breed and give birth. Sightings of these cetaceans in Costa Rica are rated some of the best in the world for whale watching. Their huge size and complex songs, babies, breaches and blows are some of the attractions these cetaceans offer to whale watchers.

We allow our guests to get to observe these marine mammals just mere yards away, while always maintaining a respect for their safety and comfort. Despite their enormous size, they are able to jump out of the water providing a spectacular show for the ones lucky enough to be there at the right time. Another great highlight is watching the offspring swim and learn, and possibly jump besides the huge mother whale. On this spectacular tour, you might be blessed to see more sea life such as rare pelagic birds, several species of dolphins, sea-turtles and more!

The package also includes a wonderful day trip to Corcovado National Park, the crown of jewel of Costa Rica´s National Park system. Learn more about Corcovado National Park by visiting our park page here.

Brief Itinerary

Day 1 – Arrive to Drake Bay via air, road or boat. Check into hotel or lodge.

Day 2 – Whale Watching and Caño Island Snorkeling

Day 3 – Visit Corcovado National Park through San Pedrillo

Day 4 – Choose from: Morning Bird Walk or Night Hike

Explore Drake Bay (option to plan a rural tour with additional cost)

Day 5 – Return to San Jose or continue your travels with our extension options

Be sure to check out our itinerary in the Tour Plan section for a more in depth look into our Whale and Rainforest Escape. Keep in mind we can customize any tour or package for your needs, likes and expectations.


Price (per person, with 2 persons participating,  staying in double rooms)

This package is only offered July 1st – October 15th. 

What is included?:

  • Includes 2 Full Day Tours
  • Includes 3 meals per day
  • Bilingual expert local guide
  • All accommodations in double rooms with private bathrooms

Extra Costs:

  • Personal expenses
  • International and domestic flights
  • Tips to local guides

** Prices are approximations made for mid-range hotels. You can upgrade to luxury accommodations for additional costs.

** Does not include transportation to Osa Peninsula. Includes ground transportation from the bus station or local airport near Palmar, Sierpe or Drake Bay. We’d be happy to arrange transportation for you either directly into Drake or Sierpe via air or sea.

** Ask about our group and children’s discount.

0 Reviews
  • Departure/Return Location
    Drake Bay, Osa Peninsula
  • Included
    Expert Guide
    Park Entrance Fees
  • Not Included

Tour Plan

Day 1
Before arrival, our staff will work with our guests to plan the most suitable options for arriving to Drake Bay. We will help our guests reserve their flights, rental car or boat to Drake Bay. While flying is the fastest route, those who are looking for a bit more adventure can take a bus or car to Sierpe, where they would board the water taxi to Drake Bay. A thrilling ride through mangroves and ocean. Or during the dry season, guests can drive through Osa into Drake Bay with a 4X4 only. Check into hotel or lodge depending on reservation.
Day 2
Breakfast will be provided at 6:00am. Our shuttle picks up the group at 7am for boat departure at 7:30. Lunch will be taken either on the boat or on a beach. During the tour, our guests will search for the famed Humpback whale. Our goal is to provide an exceptional experience, with no expectations. Nature is nature, and we can’t decide who, what, where and when a wild animal will show up, but some form of cetacean usually does during these high migration months. The tour ends at 1:30 and guests will be transferred to closest point of their hotel. Dinner will be provided at the hotel. (For more information on our Whale Watching Tour, click here)
Day 3
Breakfast will be served at 5:30am. The taxi arrives at 6am to transfer our guests to the boat. Departure is 6:30. The ride to San Pedrillo is 30 minutes. Our naturalist guide will take you back in time through ancient primary jungle. Corcovado National Park is a nature lover’s dream come true! From rare birds and mammals, to crocodiles and tapirs, it’s another world unlocked. The tour finishes around 2pm. Groups return to hotel. Dinner is provided per hotels schedule.
Day 4
Choose from either a Bird Walk or Night Hike, and take the rest of the day to explore the area and get to know the village of Agujitas. From the hanging bridge, to the dozens of shoreline beaches, there is endless exploration to be had. We can also help plan another excursion for the more adventurous and active clients. Enquire about our rural tours, waterfall hike, or horseback riding.
Day 5
Journey comes to an end. Drake Bay Birdwatching will help our guests plan their exit back to San Jose, or continued on their journey elsewhere through our tour extension options.


First Aid / Medicine

Below is a suggestion for items that may be helpful during your journey. Please pack any personal medicines that you may need.
  • Band-aides
  • Antihistamine tablets and cream for insect bites that are severely irritated.
  • Antiseptic lotion or swabs
  • Anti-fungal cream
  • Environmentally friendly sunscreen
  • Insect repellent (We prefer the natural kinds like Citronella that work great)


  • Binoculars
  • Camera and lenses
  • Compass
  • Headlamp
  • Pocket knife
  • Flashlight & spare batteries
  • Dry bag
  • Water bottle


  • Lightweight pants or trousers. Trekking clothes work great
  • Items that dry easily
  • Sunglasses
  • Hat
  • Sandals
  • Comfortable hiking boots or shoes with good grips. Rubber boots also work great.
  • Long sleeved shirt
  • Activewear and rainwear / raincoat
  • Several pairs of socks
  • A light towel or sarong
  • Swimsuit
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