
Come on a Birdwatching Journey!

cano island

Caño Island

Caño Island

$95 per person

A truly pure land, the Caño Island tour can be considered as close to paradise as you can probably get.

Caño Island is a top attraction in the area for travelers, and  less than hour boat ride from the shores of Drake Bay. As a protected biological reserve, Caño is part of the Osa Conservation Area.

The diving and snorkeling tours here are lead by experienced local dive masters and guides so that they can spot the most remarkable species from the reserve for you. Located in the crossroads of 2 ocean currents that flow in different directions, Caño Island acts as a rest stop for many migrating species. The opportunity to see a ton of stunning marine life is huge. Be prepared to see Spotted Dolphin, Bottlenose dolphin, Rough-toothed dolphin and other cetacean species. You can also run across a number of whale species, a ton of White-tipped Reef Sharks, rays, eels, Grunt fish, dozens of brightly colored tropical reef fish, and several sea turtle species. The snorkeling around this island is fantastic, with so many diverse environments to look at.

After a wonderful boat ride across the reserve where you may be greeted by friendly dolphins or whales, you arrive to the Cano Island tour. Snorkeling is done from off-shore, where access to the water is from the boat. Depending on current and time, different areas of the island will be explored. Guests can choose to stay on the boat, or snorkel. After, our guests will have the opportunity to visit the island and the ranger station.

The majority of Caño Island is off-limits, with daily visitor numbers strictly limited.

2 Reviews
  • Departure/Return Location
    Drake Bay, Osa Peninsula
  • Departure Time
    Please arrive by 7:15 AM for a departure at 7:30 AM
  • Return Time
    Approximately 1:30 PM
  • Dress Code
    Swimwear, Sun hat, shirt for sun protection, water shoes
  • Included
    Expert Guide
    Park Entrance Fees
  • Not Included

Tour Plan

Leaving Drake
All guests will meet at the beach at 7:15 for a beach pick-up at the main beach in Drake Bay. Access to the boat is from the shore.
Caño Island
After a wonderful boat ride across the reserve where you may be greeted by friendly dolphins or whales, you arrive to Cano Island. Snorkeling is done from off-shore, where access to the water is from the boat. Depending on current and time, different areas of the island will be explored. Guests can choose to stay on the boat, or snorkel. After, our guests will have the opportunity to visit the island and the ranger station.

• Swimwear

•Sun hat

•shirt for sun protection

• water shoes

• sunscreen (try to find natural sunscreens to protect the reef)

• water camera

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