Oilbird (Steathornis caripensis) in Corcovado National Park
Corcovado National Park is Spectacular! Oilbird in Corcovado National Park
San Pedrillo Station
No matter what time of the year you visit Corcovado National Park, whether its rainy season or dry season, it will always be a lifetime experience for nature lovers, specially for a birder for example. It was around 10:20 a.m on a Tuesday morning when I was leading a family excursion in San Pedrillo station for La Paloma Lodge. After observing Spider, Howler and Capuchin monkeys, Agoutis, Coatis, Crocodiles and endangered birds like Scarlet Macaws, Great Curassows, Crested Guans, Trogons in the first morning walk, just coming back to the ranger station half way Pargo trail I saw a very active mixed flock of birds with several species that included Russet Antshrike, Cocoa Woodcreeper, Black-striped Woodcreeper, Tawny-crowned Greenlet, Black-hooded Antshrike from what I remember. Lucky for us, all were very low near the ground level, calling loud and excited, especially the White-throated Shrike-Tanager that usually leads the flocks in this particular trail. First I thought it was because of a large swarm of Army Ants that were ahead, then suddenly from the nowhere perched about 5 meters from the forest floor the rare Oilbird, perched rocking up and down every once in a while as the mixed flock passed by. It was so clear and evident once I saw it, just like the image I had seen millions of times on the Birds of Costa Rica book, and Ornithological revelations!! The views I was having of this bird rarity for Costa Rica were just unbeatable. There are just 11 official records of this bird in Costa Rica, including my report. Spectacular Corcovado was sending me the best birding vibes ever. There is no research about this bird distribution or natural history inside Corcovado National Park or the Osa Peninsula yet performed, but by a few observations and reports by local naturalist guides.
Oilbird(Steathornis caripensis)
This is a bird native to South America in countries like Venezuela, Trinidad, Colombia, Guyana, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador, here a link to ebird from its distribution with only a few reports for Costa Rica in this link:
This is the only flying fruit eating bird with echolocation, roots in large groups on caves.That year there was another report from Piedras Blancas N.P a bird also rusting during the day in a low branch. In San Pedrillo station the bird has been seen twice first in 2010, It is consider one of the rarest birds in Costa Rica.
I am attaching an ebird link that shows the bird distribution in the continent with only a few reports for Costa Rica here:
White-throated Shrike-tanager
That day I was not leading a birdwatching tour but natural history instead thus the less I was expecting to find that day definitely was this incredible bird I only knew from the book plates, I shared the location of the bird with another naturalist that were leading tours that day so we all could witness this moment. After that day we never seen the bird again even the part of the trail were we saw it disappeared due to fallen trees after some heavy winds during the rainy season.
Here it is also an Ebird link to San Pedrillo Hotspot so you can check the birds constantly reported:
We currently provide professional birdwatching tours to this destination with groups minimum 2 and maximum 6 pax. That includes local expert birding & nature guide, park fees, transportation, snacks and lunch.
For more info contact info@drakebaybirdwatching.com
Great Curassow