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Caño Island


A truly pure island, Caño can be considered as close to paradise as you can probably get.

Caño Island is a top attraction in the area for travelers, and  less than hour boat ride from the shores of Drake Bay. As a protected biological reserve, Caño is part of the Osa Conservation Area. It was first opened in 1976, and has a ranger station and some trails that are not always accessible. This marine biological reserve is home to several endangered species of fish, sea turtles and cetaceans.

Caño Island also has a rich, and not yet well known pre-Columbian legacy. Intricate perfectly rounded stone spheres have also been found on the island, as well as around the Osa Peninsula. The spheres are thought to be from the time period of 200 BC to AD 800. The lure of the pacific island paradise attracted many groups of pre-columbians, who might have left the area when pirates and Europeans began to arrive.

The island is surrounded by rocky-sandy beaches, many springs and fresh water rivers run their course through the island and drain in the ocean. For centuries the island was inhabited by pre-Columbian cultures whom subsisted mainly on the islands marine resources and agriculture. The island was also an important cemetery during this time.

The majority of Caño Island is off-limits, with daily visitor numbers strictly limited.


In Costa Rica, Caño Island is considered the best attraction for marine life enthusiasts around the Osa Peninsula, and possibly the country. The island attracts visitors that enjoy meeting new fish species either diving or just snorkeling along with your guide from the boat.

The diving and snorkeling tours here are lead by experienced local dive masters and guides so that they can spot the most remarkable species from the reserve for you. Located in the crossroads of 2 ocean currents that flow in different directions, Caño Island acts as a rest stop for many migrating species. The opportunity to see a ton of stunning marine life is huge. Be prepared to see Spotted Dolphin, Bottlenose dolphin, Rough-toothed dolphin and other cetacean species. You can also run across a number of whale species, a ton of White-tipped Reef Sharks, rays, eels, Grunt fish, dozens of brighly colored tropical reef fish, and several sea turtle species. The snorkeling around this island is fantastic, with so many diverse environments to look at.

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